Thursday, January 27, 2011

Things I Like Thursday

I am finally here with some great ideas from the blogworld! :) I sure don't know what I do to fill up my time, but it definitely has not been crafts lately! One of these days, I am going to do some of these great things that I share with you. Someday...

I don't have a ton of Valentine's Day decorations, but I would like to grow my collection. I love these Valentine's Day Embroidery Hoops from Mod Podge Rocks via The Idea Room!

This is not craft related, but there is a great post with some Soup Sidekick ideas at Tasty Kitchen.

Here is a fun, cheap idea for Wall Art from Under the Table and Dreaming.

I love this organizing idea from A Thoughtful Place!

My husband even likes this Paint Chip Wall Art from Life, Crafts, and Whatever!

I hope you like some of these projects! Hopefully one of these days I will get around to sharing something with you that I have actually done! Happy Thursday!


  1. Awww, thanks for the shout out on my paint chip art! Do you have a button I can place on my blog?

  2. I love this! As a matter of fact, I started my own this weekend! I don't have a button yet! One of these days I hope to get one, a lot of this blog stuff is so new to me! :)

  3. Gotcha! Well, when you do, let me know, I'll place it on my blog. Might get ya some traffic that way! Take care!
