Thursday, May 13, 2010

2 Goodwill Finds

I have been busy with my "projects" this week and I have two things to show you!

The first is a small ceramic crock that I found for $2.99! The design on it is not my style, so I spray painted it.


First I painted it with a primer and then a semi-gloss white paint. One tip for those of you that might decide to paint glazed ceramic, you must use VERY light coats! Glazed ceramic is obviously non-porous, so it does not soak in any of the paint. I learned this the hard way!! It did take several coats, but I finally got it pretty well covered.


I think it looks much better!!

My second project was to find something to place an Uppercase Living vinyl on. It was a "Summer" one that I bought back in December! I went to Goodwill a second time and found this frame for only $1.99!!

Pretty awesome huh?! I knew it could easily be transformed into something perfect for the vinyl and I am pretty happy with the results.

The background was so easy to create!! I just cut up a cardboard box to match the size needed. I then tore up pieces of paper lunch sacks and mod podged them to the cardboard. Has a very rustic look that I really like!!

Here are the two projects on display!! (Sorry for the AWFUL picture!)

These projects were cheap!!!! I think I can get the hang of this thrifty decorating! I have some other projects in the works, but need to get a couple of things for them. I plan on going to a couple of craft stores in Des Moines this weekend to pick them up.

I don't know about you, but I am so happy tomorrow is Friday. We are a sponsor for the Chamber golf outing tomorrow, so after 11:00 I am out for the afternoon to golf!! I think the weather is finally supposed to improve, so it should be a good day for it!

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