Monday, June 7, 2010

2 Projects in One Day, Just Because I love ya!

I finished a couple of projects tonight that I am excited to show you!! I think I have one or two that I have finished in the last couple of weeks that I haven't posted yet, but I'll save them for another day!

This first one is made out of something I never thought I would use to decorate: empty toilet paper tubes! I think my hubby thought I was slightly crazy when I said I was going to cut up toilet paper rolls to decorate our house! I have seen this done on a few different blogs and thought it was a pretty neat idea, not to mention cheap.

It was a really simple project! I don't think there is much explaining necessary, just a couple of tips that I learned along the way. I used Elmer's school glue to glue the pices together and then put paper clips on the two pieces that I glued until it dried. It will take SEVERAL coats of paint!! And it is a real bugger to try to get in all of the different crevices. I like it so far, but I plan to keep adding to it when I get more toilet paper rolls!

And a close up!

My second project for today is another lamp revamp! My mom found this lamp base at a garage sale for something like fifty cents and then I bought the shade at Goodwill for just a couple bucks!

I have to give credit to my hubby for the shade, it was his idea to do the paper bag mod-podge. He likes the sign that I made like that and thought it would look good on the lamp! I agree!! I thought it needed a little something else so I bought some jute and put it on there.

The flower close up! This was easy to make, I just laid it out on a newspaper and hot glued the center of it to the newspaper and then just peeled it up and glued it to the lamp.

And since I love photos of flowers I thought I would leave you with a picture of one of the blooms on the hibiscus that Nick gave me for our anniversary. It is beautiful!!

Hope you all had a great weekend and a happy Monday!

1 comment:

  1. Very cute projects! I am totally lovin' that lamp with the jute flower!
